Montreal’s Comiccon keeps growing in numbers from one year to the next. A couple of weeks ago our lovely city played host to the 8th edition of the fan driven festival which gathered a whopping 56,000 visitors. From casual fans to detail driven cosplayers, we were treated to a plethora of panels, photo ops and paraphernalia from our favourite genre shows and movies. Our Mayor, Denis Coderre (or someone in excellent Coderre cosplay) was omnipresent during the opening of Comiccon and it seemed like he was having as much fun as everybody else. We’ve put together 8 of his finest moments at the 8th edition of Montreal’s Comiccon.
1. When it comes to ribbon cutting, there’s no one better equipped to help the Mayor officially open Montreal Comiccon than
Youppi Wolverine. I’m sure the Mayor did warn him that smoking is banned indoors and on terrasses in Montreal now.
2. From ribbon cutting to gut busting, our Mayor continued his adventures in wonderland with his best bud, the Merc with the Mouth himself, Deadpool (awesome movie this year, by the way). My only question is, who’s sassier?
3. With Star Trek celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and a new movie just around the corner, we were treated to an extra special helping of stars from the shows and special presentations tied to the anniversary. Mayor Coderre took a second away from Deadpool to chat it up with the original enterprising captain, William Shatner. When asked if the Mayor could take over the captain’s chair on the Enterprise, this photo summed up the Shat’s response. Coderre looks concerned.
4. Here’s Coderre with former Premier Pauline Marois (OMG, JK miss thing. calm down). No really, though, that costume is amazing and I don’t think the Mayor could look happier. The last time we saw him smile this much he took a jackhammer to a slab of cement in l’Anse-à-l’Orme.
5. Things got a little more serious as we moved to City Hall where the actors who’ve brought our favourite characters to life gathered to sign the official Comiccon yearbook. Here our Mayor giggles next to the Peter Cullen, the man who has voiced my favourite hero for the last 30 years, Optimus Prime.
6. Back at Palais des congrès, the Mayor took a moment to meet with his caucus. Everyone seemed to be getting along for once. That princess looks like she may have been happier with Bowser though. We have to agree thought that this gang’s getup is truly next-level.
7. Here the Flash waits his turn (yet again) to shine in the spotlight with
Darth Vader the Mayor. New characters like Rey from Star Wars: The Force Awakens are giving fangirls a few great new choices when it comes to dressing up to save the world.
8. With very little to do since the Montreal Canadiens got eliminated early from the Play-Offs this year, Youppi once again joined the Mayor for a photo-op. Batman took some time out from brooding and beating the crap out of Superman to smile next to Mayor Coderre. He was also joined by BFFs Ace Ventura, Wolverine and of course Deadpool.
Comiccon was a huge success and our hard-working Mayor deserved to have as much fun as the rest of us. He’s a good sport and always willing to ham it up for the camera. I’m sure he will be first in line when Comiccon returns to Palais des congrès next year. The dates have already been set for July 7th to 9th.
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