La Champagnerie

The time flies when you’re having fun. That’s what I thought when I received the invitation to the fourth anniversary of La Champagnerie. I remember being at the off-the-wall opening of La Champagnerie in Old Montreal four years ago and it was one of the most epic champagne filled parties I’ve ever been to (the 2nd and 3rd anniversaries were just as much fun!). Four years later that party atmosphere is still going strong as they celebrate their continued success.

4e-champagnerie-64e-champagnerie-244e-champagnerie-3Last week hundreds of guests gathered at La Champagnerie to celebrate their special anniversary. Seafood, tartare, oysters, ice cream and of course, plenty of Champagne were served to the VIP guests. Live DJs provided an eclectic soundtrack for the evening as we partied well into the night.

4e-champagnerie-304e-champagnerie-1204e-champagnerie-36During the night La Champagnerie unveiled it’s very own Cuvée Sabré! We drank many, many glasses of many types of bubbly but their very own was one of the best. Fresh, crisp and timed perfectly for the warm summer season, Cuvée Sabré is an elegant sparkling wine that featuring notes of honey and orange peel giving it a wonderful citrus flavour. It’s only available at both La Champagnerie locations (one in Quebec City) and well worth the trip.

4e-champagnerie-1104e-champagnerie-23I’ve spent many a night at La Champagnerie and I’m happy that they’ve found success in an area of the city with some very stiff competition. Here’s to many, many more anniversary parties.

For more, visit their website.





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