Tag: La Scena
Chef à l’érable
Every great meal, like any good book, TV show or movie, should have an intriguing beginning, a fruitful middle and a satisfying conclusion. Recurring food-related events such as Chef à l’érable should be treated in the same fashion. When Laurent Godbout started Chef a l’erable 4 years ago it was a massive success. Reinventing the…
Boulangerie Bleue
Last year, Grey Goose pulled off one of the best parties of the summer season. Tucked away in the luxurious back garden of a Westmount mansion, the party, which featured white horses, waterfalls, mermaids and of course Grey Goose cocktails, was the talk of the town for months afterward. There was no way they were…
DJNL On The Scene
For the 3rd year in a row, chef Laurent Godbout has treated Montreal to his contemporary take on the classic cabane a sucre menu with Chef à l’érable. The menu is out of this world good (you can get more info on that here) and people from across the city have been lining up since…